We should point out that all the information provided in this site is entirely from our experience gained over the years. We are not qualified vets, but have built up a lot of valuable information and knowledge on how to try and cope with the condition.
Some treatments work better than others, but as we found with Austin and Harry initially and then 10 years later with Frazer, whilst the sypmtoms they had were the same they each reacted very differently. At the time, we only wish the treatment that we gave to Austin was also given to Harry, as it might have helped him significantly with less of the unwanted side effects of oral steroids. That said, some of the newer treatments we gave to Frazer, might also have helped Austin & Harry.
There are other diseases which do start off with similar symptoms to Westie Lung Disease, so it is vital that you take your precious dog to a vet who has good knowledge and experience of this condition (which is not necessarily your current vet, because many are hopelessly inexperienced with this) as soon as possible to either rule it out and get treatment, or make an early start on trying to control the disease. Whilst always wanting the best for your dog, be careful of vets trying to put your dog through endless invasive procedures which can often do more harm than good, not to mention costing you the poor owner a fortune in vets fees. An X-ray should be sufficient to make a diagnosis.
Our hope is that one day there will be a cure, but in the meantime you may find our experiences useful, something that wasn’t readily available when we dearly needed it.